Tuesday, June 2, 2015


The garden we got in last week, and all the seeds were doing quite well.

Beans sprouting through what looks like hard packed dirt. 

Sunflowers starting to raise their stems to the sky.
Strawberries starting to get big.

Lupine blooming.  I love Lupine, they remind me of my home, you will see hillsides covered in them.

But the rains then came.
It started raining Saturday afternoon, and this is what our garden looked like by Sunday noon.

This is our driveway between our house an the ancient ones.  That puddle is the one that the kids were playing in on Friday.  I bet they couldn't leap it today.

The rain finally stopped late Sunday evening and we were quite surprised at how quickly the waters started to subside.


  1. So much flooding, all over, this past month. Hope all the plants are ok.

  2. wow hope your garden is ok. Mother Nature can be mean can't she?
    looks like a huge puddle for playing in . LOL

  3. Maybe our gardens want get to much rain this year

  4. Your place is very pretty ! We went from being really wet....to really dry !


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