Wow it has been over a week since I last blogged. Can you say B U S Y. Working a lot, and yesterday was my first day off and I thought I would be able to sew.
My favorite saying....which is so true in my life. Man plans, God laughs. According to Wikipedia it is an old Yiddish proverb.
We have had crazy critter days. Caught a Big huge raccoon in the ancient uncle's chicken house. The next day there was a fox hit and injured outside our home. I am surprised that after laying up in our wood pile out in the field that it did not decide that the "kids" (young chickens) would be a tasty meal. DH found it, when he was staking up some of the smaller trees on the property, almost walked on it. It skedaddled across the field, into the neighbor's yard by their pond. The Ancient Uncle saw it get hit by a car and thought for sure it was a deer so he came speeding over on his golf cart and saw it scoot out from under out front porch along the side of the house when he lost it. Unfortunately while he was on the hunt for the "deer" he thought he saw he ran over my roses in the front of the house. Grrr.

This is my Ego plant well I have two actually. They are climbing roses and they are called the Colette Rose. Luckily it was only one small shoot that was broken and a couple of buds which were damaged. DH has been charged with finding something to make trellises so they can be tied up to begin their climb.
Last week one of the days after work I went and obtained my CDL permit (Commercial Driver's License) with several endorsements. I submitted to a local business, and was called in for an interview Thursday. After the interview I was sent to have a physical and drug test, which I passed. I came home, cleaned, did dishes, and made dinner, then headed off to quilt guild.
Friday morning, decided that the chicken house definitely needed to be cleaned, at least their porch. They are dirty birdies. I weeded in the garden a bit. My Sweet Williams are gorgeous.
Yep there are weeds growing in my flowers you can see some clover and a determined maple tree attempting to grow. I didn't have a lot of time because I really needed to get some sewing done, some squares cut and to the post office today.
I made 10 nine patch blocks for Missy at
Missy's Homemaking Adventures for a prayer quilt for her uncle who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
I got my charm squares cut and made it to the post office with plenty of time to spare.
I then spent a couple of hours rewriting directions for a couple of quilt blocks for my mother. I wish that we lived closer so that I could just run over and show her how easy they are to do at times.
I tried a new recipe for baby back ribs. I started out with a rub and baked them in the oven for 1 1/2 hours then moved them to the grill for 30 more minutes. They were good, but I really think that I should have baked them longer.
I also used my last jar of green beans that I canned in 2012. Which means that I need to plan to can green beans this year.
Yes I can my beans with some onion and well cooked bacon ends. Just like my great grandmother used to make.
I finally had some time to work on the quilt that I am pattern testing and got part of the borders on.
See my bubbles? I have 2 more borders of that then another border in white and the flimsy will be done. I am looking forward to quilting this one even. If you would like to see the quilt made by Vicki visit Quilt Sue at
Quilt Times.
Tomorrow the little boys are going to be in the Strawberry Festival Parade and they want us to come and watch, there is definitely some dirt to be moved and planting to be done, all to end with dinner at the oldest daughter's house for father's day. It was so nice to get to sew today. I hope I have some time to sew again this weekend.