Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Monroe County Quilt Guild Celebration of Quilts Part 1

October 5 and 6, 2018 was the Monroe County Quilt Guild's Biennial Celebration of Quilts.  I helped set up on Thursday, picking up racks, assembling racks, hanging quilts, and setting up the display tables for Charity, and the displays for the 2017, and 2018 Challenge Quilts.

We had 3 of our members pass away this year.  Two within the past month.  Their families were kind enough to bring us one of their quilts to display in their memory.

More of the quilts from our members.

 Star Bright made and quilted by Linda Nelson.

There are more to come!


  1. Oooo thanks for bringing us to the quilt show. So fun
    What beaUties they are

  2. WOW so many beautiful quilts! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Love it....wonderful post....love the quilts and projects.

  4. One of the quilt shows I go to every other year also displays quilts from members that have died. Those quilts are displayed separately, in the hall, on the way to the main quilt show. It's nice that they honor the quilters that way.


Thanks for dropping in to visit.