Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I Like Thursday #91

Welcome to my 91st I Like Thursday post.  Each week a handful of bloggers share things that they found that they liked during the week.  We share music, food, books, art all sorts of fabulous things.  Thank you to LeeAnna for encouraging us to throw some positive, fun things out to the cosmos.

I had to visit the township hall recently to pay my property taxes and water bill.  I was so delighted to spy this barn quilt on the side of the building.  One of the local businesses holds classes to make these and I have been thrilled to see local businesses as well as the township obtain these fabulous pieces of art. 

I had to make a run to Hobby Lobby the other day, I found out at the last minute that my Tuesday sewing group was doing a hooded scarf project for charity and I needed a yard of fleece.

This fellow greeted us at the door in the lobby.  As I was wandering back to the fabric I spied this cute coat rack.

Seriously could you hang a coat or sweater on these guys and hide their pink perfection?

While walking back toward the front register I spied these cute kitchen towels that just screamed spring, even though we really haven't had much winter.

I think they will be fun to embroider on, even though they are kind of a loose weave. 
Yes I got my fleece, on sale for $5.00 a yard so I bought two.  I have almost completed one and have the 2nd hooded scarf cut out.  I will share that at another time.

I ordered Bobbin a new dark collar.  Have I mentioned how much I love these collars?  They don't rub on her chest and cause sores and abrasions.

 It has rainbow paw prints and hearts.

I always throw my change in this little side drawer in my car.  I decided I needed to clean it out the other day.

That is a lot of change which I dumped in a bowl cozy until I had time to put it in my change jar for the annual piggy bank challenge.

I had a friend share this on Facebook and enjoyed it so I knew I had to share.

I read a couple of books this week, but they were a bit dark. I did enjoy The Ghost and Mrs. McClure.
Now head over to LeeAnna's at Not Afraid of Color to check out the other I Like Thursday posts. 


  1. I like that barn quilt and those towels are very springlike.cant wait to see what you do with them

  2. Good Morning Colette! Aww, Bobbin looks like she's mad at you but is really nicely showing us her new collar. I'm am thrilled to see the Spring ideas coming out on display. We really haven't had winter YET but I'm still looking forward to Spring. I do the same thing with my change although I rarely have cash so very little change. Darn it. It was always fun to see just how much you collected when you took it to the bank. Happy Thursday! ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. One of those wool pressing mats in on my want list. Lovely gifted items, past posts. Just catching up.
    Bobbin is one lucky little fellow...funny how a new collar will really spruce them up. That quilted plaque is beautiful.

  4. The barn quilt is just beautiful! I love that it was on a public building, not just a private business. You really saved up a bunch of change - we do that, too, and it always surprises me how much it adds up to. Bobbin has a lovely new collar! Glad it is comfortable for her.

  5. Great buy on that fleece--interesting items on sale in the store...hugs, Julierose

  6. What a fun list! The barn quilt is fabulous, and Bobbin's new collar is super cute!!

  7. Barn quilt is cool! Love the flamingo. How nice to find a collar that fits right. And that is a serious chunk of change!

  8. Isn't it amazing how things scream at us...BUY ME>>BUY the towels, the quilt on the side of the building, everything.

  9. Such great likes! Love the teatowels, the quilt, and most especially Bobbin and her new collar! Have a wonderful week!

  10. Sorry I'm so late to comment. Busy weekend! Love the barn quilt! So pretty! I'm sure you'll dress up those towels very nicely! Cute collar for Bobbin!


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