Wednesday, August 21, 2013

You Say Tomato

Remember the old Gershwin tune you say tomato, and I'll say tomato?  Actually the song is called "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off."

I am starting to feel that way right about now after all the tomatoes we have processed.

These are just a small portion of the tomatoes from our garden.  They are rather small but they do make beautiful soup, salsa,and sauce.  After 10 gallon bags full of processed tomatoes and 2 - 25 boxes of tomatoes we have managed to can.

17 quarts of Tomato Basil soup
7 quarts of Tomato Sauce
13 pints of salsa

Soup and Sauce as well as some apple sauce, and tuna that my mamma canned and brought me

Yesterday I picked tomatoes from 4 of our 12 remaining plants and ended up with this bowl before DH chased me into the house to rest since I have had several really early mornings, and long days for work.

On the quilting front, not much going on.  I have been up to my elbows in tomatoes.  DH wants to do more sauce and soup, which I am not opposed to.  It is easy peasy since we use the Victorio food mill.

I do blanch the tomatoes and remove the skins, and cut them into quarters, but putting them through the mill the seeds and stuff that is too stringy to fit through the sieve of the Victorio goes out the end as water.  You can do a 20 Quart batch of Tomato basil soup in about 5 minutes.

I did get some quilty goodies though.  I participate in a batik strip swap and so I found these beauties on sale to use in the swap.

I can't wait to use them!

Hope your Wednesday is wonderful. 


  1. wow! you will be set for wintertime with all those tomato goodies.

  2. Your tomatoes are beautiful ! I didn't even plant any this year... I just haven't been in the gardening mood this year. Blackeyed peas and green beans were about it.


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