Can you believe it is the last full week of April already? I can't! It has also been almost 2 weeks since my last post. Not that I have done much sewing lately.
DH had his hand surgery on the 5th and seems to be recovering. Things I have discovered about him? If he does not have anything to do he will make me crazy so we could never live in an apartment, condo, or the city. With his right hand injured and limited mobility he can't do what he loves to do which is yard work, work on his cars, or tractors.
What he did get done while he was home for 2 weeks?
Put a huge hole in my wall to move the door from the kitchen into the dining room.
The door with the clock over it is the old door. |
The old door was at one time the window that looked out over the old enclosed back porch years ago. It is only about 28 inches wide from side to side, and about 15 inches deep. Moving furniture in and out of that area of the house was always a challenge, you had to go out the front door and in the back door or vice versa.
Old door closed up, the other side will become a bookshelf for cook books, and because that spot is extremely cold will be where we store potatoes and onions.
New door, which makes the flow for the house so much better! Also see that light switch, um yeah once upon a time it was in the middle of a wall. Same thing on the kitchen side, the light switch for the kitchen is closer to the new doorway than the old one.
Also being that in the in law's eyes, DH was off work and home we were in high demand to take people on errands, fix broken things and do miscellaneous stuff. DH cannot do any of it so I fixed a table and set of chairs for the MIL, weeded her flower beds, cleaned her garage, basement and misappropriated some treasures.
This painted wooden screen to kind of hide the freezer sitting in the sun room. There is nowhere to put it in the house, and it will not fit down the basement steps so this is the most convenient places for it unfortunately.
I also found a king sized quilt frame that DH is working on retro fitting so that I can machine quilt using my Viking, he has the plans and he and his buddies have all sorts of parts so this should be interesting.
In the deep dark recesses of the basement was this beauty hiding in a nook under the stairs.
She is a white rotary. Her name is Flora because she has these wonderful embossed flowers all over her head, and deck. She needs some love, and so did her cabinet.
Her cabinet where she sat was cracked severely and was missing a huge chunk. So we removed her from the cabinet for now.
In this bin on the side was the chunk which was missing. DH took it and fitted it to the spot which was broken, repaired the spot, and replaced the broken wood and it looks wonderful.
The side opens and her original instruction manual, box of tools, and oil can are still there, as well as some other notions. The top portion of that part opens out more, and there are oodles of bobbins and other machine parts.
She will stay in the sun room until DH rewires her but she is such a beauty I could not pass her up, and she was free. I can't wait to sew on her.
DH went back to work this week with one handed duty, which means that he pretty much is sitting around and telling everyone in his area of the shop what to do. Which meant da ta da! I got to get back into my playroom, well not really. I spent hours marking my Easy Street Quilt and I am almost finished quilting it. I have part of one corner, and one whole corner left. By the time I am done it will have taken about 15 hours to machine quilt. That is including interruptions from the grandsons, and DH.
Very big quilt to machine quilt on a domestic, but it has been going well. If you are going to machine quilt or FMQ on your domestic you definitely need a pair of machingers which are gloves with grippys. They make it so much easier and your neck and back won't be killing you later.
I found this old ironing board in the junk room when I moved in, don't
think it had seen the light of day in years. It is heavy, but oh so
sturdy and with a piece of plywood which is 20 X 60 it is great for
ironing on when trying to smash into submission those seam
intersections. You know the ones I am talking about....
I also had DH repair my big ironing board, and while he was doing it I
made a new cover. The original big board he put on it cupped and so it
was not working out. I used fabric from my stash and put old batting
pieces in it to give it some padding, and staple gunned it in place. I
made it so that when I wear this side out I can just take the staples
out, flip it over and use the other side.
Back to my machine quilting I want to get this baby done, and bound, and on the bed in the spare room before my visitors arrive next week.
Happy wet and dreary Wednesday.