Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Garden Fresh

I didn't get up quite as early as I wanted to, but early enough I could harvest some of the lettuce and romaine I planted in the horse trough.

I washed it and it will be enough to make a salad for DH and I for dinner.  I love the colors, the romaine has red washed throughout, the dark red is Merlot lettuce, and some green salad bowl lettuce.

I also picked all the ripe tomatoes.  Out of 24 tomato plants I got about 1/2 a colander full.
I also pulled a couple of small carrots to thin the row.

When I bought the tomatoes this spring at the nursery I purposely bought Roma tomatoes because we make soup, and spaghetti sauce.  I think these tomatoes are pretty small for being Romas.  My volunteer plants have bigger green tomatoes than these.

I think they look more like those little pear shaped cherry tomatoes.  They have a great flavor, but not what we wanted. We finally have got some rain.  The only thing that really is perking up is the lawn, and the weeds.  *sigh*

Today is DH birthday.  He took the day off, we slept in, got up, had coffee and his phone rang.  The Ancient  Uncle was not feeling well so off to the emergency they went.  The DH and Ancient Posse no more and left and I was called into work.  Yippee they needed an aide for the special needs bus. Even if it was only for a few hours.  The Ancient was kept by the hospital, they finally saw what was going on during an incident while he was sleeping. 

I did get a bit of quilting done today.  I cut some strips for the drunkard's path quilt,and squared up my other squares. I can get some more squares cut and ready to sew.  Something to work on in the evening while I am watching TV with DH.

Maybe tomorrow will be more productive. 


  1. A kind of late Happy Birthday to your DH! Your salad makings from your garden look so fresh and delicious, I love salads! Glad you got some work today, has school already started there? Hopefully they can help the Ancient Uncle with whatever is wrong.

  2. happy belated to DH. your salad ingredients look scrumptious. mine are smaller but I am picking them before the bunny makes a salad. it is whoever makes the salad first wins around here! LOL

  3. Happy birthday to DH. I hope the hospital can sort your Ancient One out so he feels better.


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